Comparison of Modern Linux Backup Tools – Borg, Bupstash and Kopia


Traditional backup tools can mostly be subdivided by the following characteristics:

file-based vs. image-based
Image-based solutions make sure everything is backed up, but are potentially difficult to restore on other (less powerful) hardware. Additionally, creating images by using traditional tools like dd requires the disk that is being backed up to be unmounted (to avoid consistency issues). This makes image-based backups better suited for filesystems that allow doing advanced operations like snapshots or zfs send-style images that contain a consistent snapshot of the data of interest. For file-based tools there is also a distinction between tools that exactly replicate the source file structure in the backup target (e.g. rsync or rdiff-backup) and tools that use an archive format to store backup contents (tar).
networked vs. single-host
Networked solutions allow backing up multiple hosts and to some extent allow for centralized administration. Traditionally, a dedicated client is required to be installed on all machines to be backed up. Networked solutions can act pull-based (server gets backups from the clients) or push-based (client sends backup to server). Single-Host solutions consist of a single tool that is being invoked to backup data from the current host to a target storage. As this target storage can be a network target, the distinction between networked and single-host solutions is not exactly clear.
incremental vs. full
Traditionally, tools either do an actual 1:1 copy (full backup) or copy “just the differences“ which can mean anything from “copy all changed files” to “copy changes from within files”. Incremental schemes allow multiple backup states to be kept without needing much disk space. However, traditional tools require that another full backup be made in order to free space used by previous changes.

Modern tools mostly advance things on the incremental vs. full front by acting incremental forever without the negative impacts that such a scheme has when realized with traditional tools. Additionally, modern tools mostly rely on their own/custom archival format. While this may seem like a step back from tools that replicate the file structure, there are numerous potential advantages to be taken from this:

Enclosing files in archives allows them and their metadata to be encrypted and portable across file systems.

Given that many backups will eventually be stored to online storages like Dropbox, Mega, Microsoft One Drive or Google Drive, the portability across file systems is especially useful. Even when not storing backups online, portability ensures that backup data can be copied by easy operations like cp without damaging the contained metadata. Given that online stores are often not exactly trustworthy, encryption is also required.


This article attempts to compare three modern backup tools with respect to their features and performance. The tools of interest are Borg, Bupstash and Kopia. Additionally, the currently used Backup Tool JMBB is taken as a reference. While it lacks a lot of the modern features with respect to the other competitors, the idea to test the other ones stems from the intention to replace JMBB with a more widely-used and feature-rich alternative.

Not in this Document

Here are a few points that are explicitly not covered in this comparison:


Here is a short tabular overview of the backup tools compared in this article showing some (potentially interesting) metadata (as per 2021/03/17, data mostly from the respective Github repository pages).

Name JMBB Borg Bupstash Kopia
First Released 2013/08 2010/03 (1) 2020/08 2019/05
In Debian No Yes No No
Cloc (2) 6372 71757 13134 55124
Implemented In Java Python+C Rust Go
Version Tested 1.0.7 1.1.15 0.7.0 0.7.3
Tool Type Link
JMBB Website
Borg Website
Bupstash Website
Kopia Website


  1. First release of Attic which Borg is based on. Date according to Wikipedia
  2. Excluding non-source repository content. This is sometimes difficult, e.g. Kopia seems to consist of more than just the Go source code but it is hard to separate what is needed for documentation and what for the actual application. Take the numbers as estimates.


As already mentioned in the Preamble, encryption and portability across file systems are essential for modern backup tools. There are some other features that are often already achieved by the traditional approaches which are expected to be found in their modern competitors, too. Additionally, one could envision some usful features that are rarely available.

The following table presents the’s idea of a good set of features for any modern backup program. A good program is expected to have all of the Basic Features and Advanced Features, while the Very Advanced Features are seen as useful but less important.

Feature JMBB Borg Bupstash Kopia
Basic Features        
shrink on input-file deletion Yes Yes Yes Yes
UNIX special files and metadata Yes Yes Yes No
read only changed files Yes Yes Yes Yes
restore individual files Yes Yes Yes Yes
data encryption Yes Yes Yes Yes
metadata encryption Yes Yes Yes Yes?
portable across file systems Yes Yes Yes Yes
multithreading or parallelization Yes No Yes Yes
arbitrarily complex file names No Yes? Yes? Yes?
input file size irrelevant No Yes (11) Yes
input file number irrelevant (4) (4) Yes Yes
Advanced Features        
compression Yes Yes Yes Yes
integrity checks Yes Yes No Yes
data archival Yes (9) (9) No
works on slow target storage Yes (10) (10) Yes
readable by third-party tools (2) No No No
Windows support w/o WSL/Cygwin (3) No No Yes
retention policy for versions No Yes Yes Yes
deduplication No Yes Yes Yes
directly upload to remote No (1) (1) Yes
Very Advanced Features        
mount backup as r/o filesystem No Yes No Yes
multiple hosts backup to same target No (13) Yes Yes
process non-persistent live streams No Yes Yes Yes
configure output file size limit No Yes? (12) No
consistent state on interruption No Yes? ? ?
incremental metadata store/update No No? Yes? Yes?
concurrent write to same target No No? Yes Yes
retry on fail mechanisms No No? No? Yes?
GDPR-style data deletion requests (5) No? No No
integrated cloud storage client No No No Yes
data redundancy/bit rot recover No No No No
crypto-trojan-proof pull-scheme No No (6) No?
consistently backup running VMs or DBs No No No? (8)
REST API for submitting backup inputs No No No (7)
REST API for restoring No No No (7)
REST API for monitoring No No No (7)

Yes?/No? := guessed.


  1. Yes, but only to tool-specific server.
  2. Yes, but practically limited to restoration of individual files.
  3. Yes, but only for restoring with a cpio.exe.
  4. Both tools’ capability for many files is limited. Borg is limited by its sequential approach, JMBB is limited by loading its metadata completely into RAM.
  5. Yes, but: Requires obsoleting all related blocks manually by means of jmbb -e and obsolete id. Impractical for anything more than a few requests per year. Metadata is retained. Archival storage not affected (if used).
  6. Yes, but: Requires running Bupstash’s server on the backup target machine. It is not acutally a pull scheme but a crypto-trojan-proof push scheme! See
  7. APIs exist but their details have not been checked when this article was created.
  8. Can be implemented by custom Actions, see Examples in the documentation do not indicate if this can be used in conjunction with reading backup input data from stdin. Hence it does not seem well-suited for large files like VMs.
  9. These tools can be configured to run in an append-only mode that allows users to establish a basic archival scheme. These features were not tested.
  10. Yes, but Borg failed to backup to a mounted WebDAV file system (during an explorative test). Bupstash consistently fails to backup to NFS but works fine on either SSH or SSHFS targets (see Data-Test to NFS and SSHFS). Hence, the problem with NFS is expected to be a bug rather then a general problem with slow target storages.
  11. Bupstash produces a large number of output files for large total backup input sizes. This may cause problem if limitations exist in the underlying storage/file system.
  12. Practically irrelevant as the output file sizes are always rather small.
  13. Technically it does not fail to work under these circumstances, but the Borg documentation advises against doing this for performance and security reasons, see


The table is presented such that “Yes” means “good” and “No” means “bad”. Thus there are negated lines like input file size irrelevant because if the input file size is limited/relevant that’s bad and hence “No” is given in the table.

Basic Features Explained

While many of the points under Basic Features are pretty obvious, there are some notable mentions:

UNIX special files and metadata
For regular user data, It is already important that a backup retains symlinks. I know at least one program that chokes on a missing socket file (although they should be ephemereal and YES, this was in the respecitve user’s /home directory!). Additionally, when backing up system structures like chroots, whole root file systems, containers etc. it becomes important that devices and other UNIX special files are retained.
Metadata Encryption
Metadata is worth protecting. If you think otherwise, consider sending a list of all your files to your worst enemy/competitor. What might they learn? They will surely know what kind of software you are using already from the file extensions. They will know about the names of all installed programs if a system drive is backed up etc. Seeing when which of the files changed is even more interesting: They will know what projects you are working on and potentially even how well the effort is going…
Multithreading or Parallelization
Traditional backup tools (and even some of the more advanced ones) work sequentially. The advances of multiprocessing have been claimed for years. Yet many programs do not make use of that potential gain in performance. With respect to backup tools, the advantages of parallelization are sometimes downplayed by people claiming that a backup tool should not interfere with the computer’s other activities and hence be as minimal as possible wrt. CPU/RAM resources. By this argumentation, a single-threaded backup would be sufficent. This does not model reality adequatly, though: Modern tools need not only backup highly loaded servers but also all kinds of client devices, too. Doing a user’s backup in background may serve for some basic “data loss” prevention, but a proper backup should contain a consistent state of the data. A potential way to achieve this is to let the user do backups explicitly. Additionally, many people backup to external devices that should be taken offline “as soon as possible” to avoid damages by electrical failures. In both cases, short backup times are desirable. While parallelization cannot be mistaken for high performance or short time of execution in general, it scales and hence allows the backup to become faster with newer computers. It is always possible to turn parallelization off to have lower CPU load over a longer time, but being able to parallelize significant parts of the backup process saves time in practice and is thus desirable!

Advanced Features Explained

Compression and Deduplication
Compression and Deduplication are both techniques to make the effective backup size on disk smaller. It is not exactly easy to clearly distinguish them (see for an idea). Here is a shorter “rough” idea: Compression works on an individual data stream that cannot be added to/removed from later (except by rewriting it). Deduplication lifts this limitation by providing CRUD (create read update delete) operations while still eliminating redunancies. On the other hand, deduplication does not imply compression because in practice, deduplication only works for “rather large” redundant pieces (many KiB) of data whereas typical compression algorithms already work in for sub-KiB input data sizes. Good tools hence combine both approaches. Deduplication is a very useful feature for a backup tool because it allows backing up certain data that are largely redundant (like virtual machines and containers) to target storages that are much smaller. While it is often claimed that “storage is cheap”, this claim fails as soon as the limits of a single drive are reached. Even which cheap storage, needing less of it allows a higher number of old backups to be retained at same cost.
# an example of compression working efficiently for less than 1 KiB
# of redundant input data:
$ for i in `seq 1 80`; do echo hello world; done | wc -c
$ for i in `seq 1 80`; do echo hello world; done | gzip -9 | wc -c
Integrity Checks
In an ideal world, everyone would test their backups regularly by performing a full restore. Given certain storage and time constraints and difficulty in automating such a process – remember that such a process works on actual production data and needs to access them all – the ability to check the restoration without actually providing the comparison data is an important feature.
Data Archival
Often not seen at the core of a backup strategy, data archival is the process of collecting old data and storing it away i.e. separate from the “active” production data and backups. Accessing an archive is the last resort for certain tasks like “our database has been corrupted for months and nobody noticed”. While one might argue that such a thing never occurs, here is a counterexample from experience: In the Thunderbird E-Mail client, I used to have a default setting that if a folder contained more than 1000 messages, the oldest ones would be deleted until there were only 1000 left. This seemed reasonable at the time of setup but backfired when a local folder of collected mailing list wisdom exceeded the limit. Of course, as that folder was accessed very rarely, it took literally months to notice. By then, a certain number of messages had already vanished. Had there only been a “regular” backup, luck would have been needed to have it configured to retain yearly snapshots or such. Using archive data, it was not exactly easy to retrieve the lost messages (given that two MBOX files had to be merged), but it was possible and performed successfully. Now why is the archive stored away? The main reasons are: (1) Archives are much larger than the regular backups because they contain all of the data. Hence, it makes sense to keep them on cheaper and slower storage. The traditional way would be using tape, but a dedicated (low-end) NAS or an extra large pair of HDDs may also serve. (2) Archives should be protected from the typical accidents like deletion, malware etc. Just like with backups it makes sense to keep copies of them offsite, but (also just like with backups) this means additional costs. In certain cases where archives are rarely needed, it might make sense to not have multiple copies of them. It is interesting to note that data archival does not seem to be a feature really addressed by most modern backup tools.
Works on Slow Target Storage
Even tools that do not support storing their data to network devices may be used in conjunction with networked file systems like e.g. NFS, SSHFS, WebDav etc. Except for NFS, these file systems’ characteristics differ so much from local ones that it is not uncommon for tools to choke on them. E.g.: I once tried to create a 7z archive directly on an SSHFS and it was extremly slow. Much slower than first creating the 7z locally and then sending it to the remote with scp. While slowless can and needs to be accepted in this context to some extent, there are limits. Also, some tools actually fail to store their backups on slow targed storages. Everything from stack traces, timeout errors and totally unclear messages has been observed in practice including cases where restoring the backup was not possible afterwards. It thus makes sense to explicitly research on this, although it is difficult to make a definitive decision on it in practice.
Readable by Third-Party Tools
A backup needs to be restorable in time of need. While the best choice of restoration is certainly the tool the backup was created with, it is also imaginable that the program will not be available on the target of restoration. Also, imagine that the restoration routine does not work at all or fails due to an inconsistency in the backup or some other error. A means to establish confidence in the reliability of the solution is the ability to restore data even without the tool that originally wrote them. Given the complexity of storage that includes deduplication, encryption, compression and multiple backup versions/hosts it is not surprising that most modern tools’ data can only be read by themselves. Yet, it would be highly desirable for independent and compatible restoration tools to exist!
Windows Support w/o WSL/Cygwin
Even if Linux is the primary system of concern (for the sake of this article), there are good reasons for why Windows support is beneficial: Restoration in time of need could happen on a common device found somewhere including lent or old devices. Chances are, these will run some (potentially ancient!) sort of Windows. Restoration on Windows would be the only chance in this scenario. WSL, Cygwin, Docker, VMs and all other imaginable „Linux on Windows” means do work in practice, but only under certain good circumstances like: reasonably powerful computer, administrative privileges, permission to modify OS data, Internet access. From an entirely different point of view: Linux-only networks are pretty rare. Most often, there are some Linux servers and Windows clients. Given that a good backup tool is already known on Linux, why not use the tool for Windows, too? Hence, while not strictly essential, the ability to also create backups on Windows has its advantages!
Retention Policy for Versions
A retention policy specifies how many old backup states are to be kept. Traditional solutions often impose limits on this by the technical aspects of incremental and full backups e.g.: All increments from the latest full backup up to now inclusive need to be retained to restore the latest state. Modern tools no longer have this restriction and can thus provide more useful retention policies like e.g.: Keep the last three versions plus one copy from each of the last three weeks. This would be six backup states in total reaching back three weeks from now with reduced “density” for the older versions. Retention policies are desirable, because they can serve as a (limited) substitute for archival storage. Additionally, restoring from a retained backup state is expected to always be faster/cheaper/… than from archival storage.
Directly Upload to Remote
As already mentioned in the Preamble, backups are nowdays often stored on online storage. Of course, a local server may also do, but local filesystems as target storage are certainly the exception. It thus makes sense for backup tools to integrate the ability to upload the backup data directly to a target server. In the case of having a dedicated server component for the respecitive backup tool, this can enable additional features up to the complexity and power of networked backup solutions.

Ideas for Very Advanced Features

Mount Backup as R/O Filesystem
Mounting backups is useful because it allows chosing the files to restore using the established file mangers designed for the purpose of navigating large directory structures. It is not strictly needed but user-friendly.
Multiple Hosts Backup to same Target
This is a feature from networked backup solutions that could be achieved by single-host tools, too. It is especially intersting to consider tools deduplicating across multiple hosts as this makes OS backups very efficent. There are some limits on this e.g. multiple hosts writing to the same target storage concurrently or one of the hosts corrupting the data of other hosts by incorrectly/maliciously performing deduplication actions.
Process Non-Persistent Live Streams
While this article concentrates on file backups, there are also things like databases that can be backed up by “exporting” them to a file/stream. Some backup tools can process these streams directly avoiding writing sensitive and large data to a temporary storage.
Configure Output File Size Limit
Cheap online storages often impose a maximum file size limit. While it is often pretty large (e.g. magnitude of GiB) for paying customers, it is often tightly limited for “free” accounts (e.g. magnitude of a few MiB). If a tool can adjust to these limits, it becomes usable across a wider area of target storages.
Consistent State on Interruption
Backup processes might get interrupted. Just like other important processing tasks, it should be possible to resume them and recover from crashes. Some tools (e.g. JMBB) do not support this, though.
Incremental Metadata Store/Update
While the actual data contents are often compressed/deduplicated and stored efficiently minimizing the number of read and write operations, same does not necessarily hold for the metadata. JMBB just rewrites the whole “database” of metadata on each run. Advanced tools often seem to use local cache directories to speed up the management of metadata. Neither solution is ideal: The ideal tool would not need such things and rather store everything efficiently.
Concurrent Write to Same Target
While it seems difficult to support this for non-networked solutions, there are multiple tools claiming to do this. The advantage is clearly that one could configure a lot of machines independently to store to the same target and one would not need to coordinate the times at which backups are performed. One could even have multiple users run backup processes to the same target at the time of their own choice.
Retry on Fail Mechanisms
Especially in the presence of slow storage or virtual hard drives backed by networks, it makes sense to retry failed write operations. Similarly, the input file system may change while being backed up and a retry could find another (consistent) state. Tools do not usually implement this, possibly due to high complexity and difficulty in deciding when to retry.
GDPR-style Data Deletion Requests
While it can be argued that data need not be explicitly deleted from backups due to the excessive complexity of implementing it securely, it would nevertheless be interesting to find out what means a backup program can provide to actually delete data from the backups in the sense that the program assures that after completion of the process, data is no longer present in the backup. This differs from operations that try to re-claim space occupied by deleted data in that these can work on a best-effort basis without issues whereas regulatory deletions need to actually happen.
Integrated Cloud Storage Client
This is the advanced version of directly upload to remote where backups not only go to a remote location but explicitly an Internet target. Tools supporting this are expected to be able to directly communicate with the respective vendor-specific APIs.
Data Redundancy and Bit Rot Recover
The larger the data to be backed up becomes, the more likely bit rot is to occur. Many authors of backup tools argue that it is better to avoid bit rot at a different level in the storage hierarchy, e.g. file systems like ZFS could ensure this. This does not, however, match the practical requirements of being able to portably use backups across file systems. Strong restrictions are imposed by portable devices: E.g. ZFS is a poor choice given that it can only be read on specialized systems and needs to be imported/exported all the time. Other Linux file systems are more portable across Linux versions but cannot be read on Windows. If compatibility is sought, only exFAT, FAT32 and the like remain – all choices that offer no protection for the stored data. Hence, integrated redundancy is useful. Tools do not usually seem to implement this, though.
Crypto-Tojan-Proof Pull-Scheme
In recent times, ransomware malware attacks have risen. All backup tools need to be audited as to how malware could destroy old copies of the data it encrypts. In fact, many known attacks by ransomware specifically included a dedicated strategy by the adversary to delete backups. It has often been concluded from that, that only a pull-based scheme is a safe scheme. It turns out that reasonable ideas for making a safe push-based scheme (e.g. simplified: with a server that does not allow deletion) also exist. All of the measures to protect against ransomware are subsumed under this point.
Consistently Backup running VMs or DBs
In an ideal world, there would not be a need to export/stream certain hard-to-backup data to the backup tool. Instead, the tool would detect the presence of such data and automatically invoke the necessary backup procedure. Typical file-based tools do not implement anything like that, though.
Modern programs often interact with REST APIs. Having them available, allows for a high grade of automation and monitoring and thus enhances the reliability and completeness of a backup. It is not a required feature, though.

Benchmark Scenario

The benchmark scenario presented in this article is intended to closely resemble practice with some simplifications to allow performing tests in reasonable time.

These simplifications include running backups directly after each other, reducing the amount of input data and preferring the use of faster storages to distinguish the backup tools’ performances from the underlying storage systems’.

The benchmark consists of multiple groups of tests described in the following subsections.


The Data-Test most closely resembles the typical backup operation. This test consists of multiple past states of the most important data. These states were recovered from an archive created with JMBB.

Here is a table showing the 30 snapshots used for the tests:

State Represents Date Size/GiB Number of Files
x2a00 15.06.2018 26.73 387026
x2a4c 07.07.2018 27.22 391406
x2aaf 27.07.2018 27.95 393288
x2af8 29.08.2018 27.94 398013
x2b81 18.09.2018 28.28 417315
x2bcb 14.10.2018 28.19 407058
x2c15 13.11.2018 28.80 411347
x2c80 18.12.2018 29.00 415495
x2ccb 18.01.2019 29.72 422693
x2d17 18.02.2019 30.04 429587
x2d6b 14.03.2019 30.48 429836
x2dbf 14.04.2019 30.94 453757
x2e0c 14.05.2019 31.40 456110
x2e57 09.06.2019 31.84 461060
x2eb4 18.07.2019 33.26 466967
x2efd 17.08.2019 33.68 470190
x3001 26.12.2019 40.59 525879
x30da 24.02.2020 35.93 473647
x312a 24.03.2020 34.84 461554
x31a3 21.04.2020 35.36 466773
x31ec 27.05.2020 36.03 471625
x323b 22.06.2020 37.14 476479
x3288 23.07.2020 37.78 479961
x32e1 23.08.2020 38.51 483756
x3333 20.09.2020 38.97 487709
x338a 03.10.2020 40.06 490852
x33d5 28.10.2020 40.51 494283
x3436 22.11.2020 41.50 484262
x3483 18.12.2020 42.42 487438
x34d7 20.01.2021 42.45 489874

Here are two graphs displaying how the data might have changed between these versions. A file with change in modification date is considered changed, a file not present in the previous backup is considered added and a file not present in the current backup is considered removed. Of course, in practice, it’s the backup tools’ job to identify the changes and they all do this surprisingly well.

Estimated Changes in the Input Data between Backup Versions in MiB

Estimated Changes in the Input Data between Backup Versions in Number of Files

The basic test procedure is as follows:

The Data-Test is executed for different backup target storage types:

  1. Backup to local NVMe SSD
  2. Backup to remote SATA SSD over NFS (without testing restore)
  3. Backup to remote SATA SSD over SSHFS (without testing restore)


The Games-Test scenario uses a larger input set of playonlinux game installations.

Testset Size/GiB Number of Files Largest File/GiB
Games 172.33 123 345 3.99

The test procedure is as follows:

The idea of this test is as follows:

To transfer data over network, the following protocols are used:

Like with the Data-Test, caches reside on a local NVMe SSD.


The VM-Test simulates backing up virtual machines and is intended to check the tools’ performance wrt. in-file deduplication potential. It consists of two partially overlapping test data sets.

Test Data Set Size/GiB Number of Files Largest File/GiB
VMS0 414.70 9 88.31
VMS1 459.28 9 88.31

Here is a table of the input files. Names have been simplified, sizes are displayed as reported by DirStat 2’s GUI.

File Changed Size0/GiB Size1/GiB
list.txt yes 0 0
app-docker-backup.qcow2 no 70.1 70.1
deb-64-new.qcow2 yes 80.9 80.9
deb-mdvl-64....qcow2 yes 38.62
deb-sid.qcow2 yes 49.21 49.36
test-ubuntu.qcow2 yes 22.16
win-10-64-de....qcow2 yes 84.8
win-10-64-ds.qcow2 no 88.31 88.31
win-8-1-32-ds-o.qcow2 yes 23.21
win-8-1-32-ds.qcow2 yes 52.12 52.12
win-xp-sp-3-ht-1.qcow2 no 13.11 13.11
  Sum 414.70 459.28

The test procedure is as follows:

Kopia and Borg were run over NFS, Bupstash over SSH, because it failed to execute the GC procedure over NFS.

Auxiliary Tools

In order to capture information about the respective tools’ runtimes, the system loads and the states of files on disk, the following tools have been used in conjunction:

Scripts used to run the respective tests can be found in directory automation inside the repository associated with this article.

Test Platforms

Three computers participate in the tests, all running Debian 10 Buster amd64. The tests themselves were executed in a systemd-nspawn container on masysma-18 running Debian 11 Bullseye (Testing):

masysma-18 Main test machine 128 Y Intel Xeon W-2295 ZFS
pte5 NFS and SSHFS target 32 Y Intel Xeon E3-1231v3 ext4
masysma-16 Influxdb, Grafana 8 N Intel Celeron J3455 ext4

In terms of network, all machines are connected through a Gigabit Ethernet switch. Additionally, a 10GE link between pte5 and masysma-18 is established for data transfers (NFS, SSHFS, SSH).

Pre-Test Insights

Before beginning the actual tests, some experiments were made to determine the usage of the respective tools. Additionally, previous experience with JMBB and Borg already existed. This section provides a summary of related insights and findings.

Borg works purely sequential. There is a long standing issue in Github about this and it boils down to the fact that it is difficult to add multithreading in retrospect. From regular use at the, Borg is known to backup successfully over SSH to its own server, NFS (without dedicated Borg server on the receiving end) and external HDD storage.

JMBB is highly resource-intensive. Upon development, compression was the major idea to reduce output data size and the huge amount of memory was not seen as a problem due to the presence of ever growing RAM sizes in the computers. So far this held true, but test results (see further down) confirm that JMBB’s use of CPU and memory is quite wasteful.

Bupstash is the newest contender and has some rough edges. Upon getting started with the tool, a Permission denied error was encountered when trying to backup some data. In fact, the user account lacked permissions to read some of the files, but: Bupstash would not tell which of the files the error was about and it would also not continue the backup process. It was intended to report this as a bug, but as of 2021/04/09 the issue is already fixed in the latest git version – it now reports which file/directory caused the error.

Setting up Bupstash is straight-forward due to a limited and sensible set of options. It is more complex than with JMBB or Borg though, because it requires a dedicated key to be generated and that key is not backed up by default. This essentially means that it is the user’s responsibility to protect the key with a password and store the result with the backup in order to be able to later restore the backup by using a password.

Kopia is the hardest tool to setup from all the tools considered here. This starts with initializing a backup storage: All tools except JMBB need this step before performing the first backup whereas JMBB asks the user interactively for the password upon first backup but otherwise does not need to do any setup. Kopia, however, requires three setup steps:

  1. Creation of a “repository”
  2. Connecting to the repository
  3. Configuration of a backup policy

The second step may stem from the fact that Kopia supports multiple different target storages that may require a dedicated and specific login procedure of sorts. The backup policy thing is quite unintuitive though: Kopia has “global” and target-specific policies where things not configured in the target-specific one can be inherited from the “global” ones. Also, the default policy includes that files listed in .kopiaignore files are ignored opening up a simple attack surface where a malware would just add all of the user’s files to hidden .kopiaignore files tricking the user into believing that data is backed up while it is in fact ignored. To some extent, this is my point of view that backup excludes should be minimal as not to confuse the user about which files are backed up and which not. Of course, .kopiaignore is also a useful feature to allow ignoring certain files that do not need to be backed up with exceptionally fine granularity.

Test Results


Here is a table of the sizes of the backup target and cache directories after backing up the respective given state. States in between have been tested, too, but are not shown in the table.

State Tool Files in Cache Size of Cache/MiB Backup Files Backup/MiB
x2a00 Borg 8 50 63 18 022
  Bupstash 3 13 41 833 20 897
  JMBB 877 18 283
  Kopia 51 197 2 629 24 948
  Kopia* 54 197 2 635 24 901
x2eb4 Borg 8 66 134 23 048
  Bupstash 3 26 49 863 26 298
  JMBB 1 221 24 172
  Kopia 777 790 3 631 34 214
  Kopia* 7 223 1 367 3 736 31 926
x34d7 Borg 8 90 228 30 908
  Bupstash 3 30 63 056 33 978
  JMBB 1 717 34 357
  Kopia 2 279 1 883 5 591 53 535
  Kopia* 26 086 3 349 5 513 43 076

The following conclusions can be drawn from the output sizes for the respective tools:

Concluding from the backup size performance, Borg seems to perform best, JMBB seems very viable and Bupstash does a good job apart from the large number of files. Kopia tests are more difficult to perform due to its invocation behaving time-dependently. Even with a “faked” system time, Kopia’s backup size remains larger than the other tools’ and its use of cache data seems excessive especially with respect to the other tools’.

Another aspect to check for the tools is how much computation power and time they needed.

Columns Wall Time, Peak Memory and Avg. CPU are populated by the data from GNU Time as reported for the script that does the actual backup run followed by a garbage collection. In theory, I/O statistics were also gathered by Telegraf, it turned out that the data was quite unrealistic due to various effects including the long sample time (15sec) and the exclusion of child processes. Hence, I/O is not shown here.

For CPU: 100% means one core fully loaded, i.e. 2000% means „20 cores fully loaded”. The test system’s Xeon W-2295 exposes 36 virtual cores to the OS. Hence 3600% CPU load means „all cores fully loaded”. Due to Amdahl’s Law, it is unlikely/impossible to attain 3600% CPU for realistic workloads like those presented here.

State Tool Wall Time/s Peak Memory/MiB Avg. CPU/%
x2a00 Borg 9 579 388.59 99
  Bupstash 120 54.75 115
  JMBB 1 297 24 912.91 2 862
  Kopia 168 1 403.60 340
  Kopia* 147 883.64 291
x2eb4 Borg 624 349.76 99
  Bupstash 88 45.65 101
  JMBB 117 18 481.07 2 276
  Kopia 72 955.36 400
  Kopia* 49 600.93 226
x34d7 Borg 359 399.51 99
  Bupstash 106 51.02 100
  JMBB 80 24 115.33 1 645
  Kopia 91 757.91 415
  Kopia* 56 558.57 224

Before drawing any conclusions, here are some notes about the data in general:

The following conclusions can be drawn about the individual metrics from thte table above:

Data-Test to NFS and SSHFS

To find out how times change with a more realistic scenario where data is sent over network, tests with NFS and SSHFS targets have been performed. The following wall times could be observed for the different target storages. Column Local has been copied from before for comparison.

State Tool Local/s NFS/s NFS3/s SSHFS/s
x2a00 Borg 9 579 8 954 7 913 11 256
  Bupstash 120 1 243 1 157 470
  JMBB 1 297 690 696 8 392
  Kopia 168 271 277 350
x2eb4 Borg 624 596 746 655
  Bupstash 88 116 108
  JMBB 117 106 69 492
  Kopia 72 76 83 117
x34d7 Borg 359 367 383 371
  Bupstash 106 122 113
  JMBB 80 59 62 391
  Kopia 91 96 107 151

From past experience with the respective storage targets, one would have expected to find the following sequence (shortest to longest time): Local, NFS, SSHFS. It turns out that in practice, for the backup tools, results vary geratly.

The results for Bupstash over NFS are missing from the second test onwards due to the fact that a reproducible error occurs when invoking the garbage collection procedure over NFS:

1 item(s) removed
bupstash serve: Bad file descriptor (os error 9)
bupstash gc: remote disconnected
Command exited with non-zero status 1
56.05user 14.75system 1:11.13elapsed 99%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 51240maxresident)k
59731063inputs+865458outputs (180major+65251minor)pagefaults 0swaps

As part of creating this article, this issue has been reported under Update 2021/04/11: NFS tests were repeated with mount options nfsvers=3,nolock to measure Bupstash’s performance over NFS – the new results are provided in column NFS3.

Apart from that, certain combinations of tool and storage seem to be problematic:

Kopia exposes the performance characteristics that one would have expected from experience before this test i.e. runs on NFS are slightly slower than local FS and runs on SSHFS are even slower.

It is quite interesting to note that under certain circumstances, tools run faster on NFS compared to the local file system. This is most likely related to (a) the difference in file systems (ZFS local vs. ext4 remote) and (b) the ability to use the processing power and RAM cache from pte5 in addition to the local resources on masysma-18. SSDs on pte5 are known to be slower than those on masysma-18 hence the difference cannot be explained by the underlying storages’ capabilities alone.

To conclude from the NFS and SSHFS tests it seems that apart from certain bad interactions, all tools are suited for invocation on remote file systems.

Checking the Diagrams: Grafana Dashboards during the SSHFS-Test

In addition to GNU Time, tests were monitored by Telegraf, Influxdb and Grafana. Although the results proved not to be all that useful in terms of precision, they enabled getting an explorative “feeling” of the data.

Screenshot showing the Board as displayed for the whole time range of the SSHFS-Tests

The first screenshot is most notable for the Ramdisk Disk Usage where one can observe each of the data sets being filled in and staying constant during the processing. The upper left graph displays CPU, RAM, SWAP and DISK usages. The spikes in memory and CPU usage come from JMBB executions :). Below these diagrams, one can find the individual process’ metrics which are not really useful on such a long time scale.

Screenshot showing the period of the large backup data set in the middle

Although they are still largely indecipherable, one can already observe the longer execution time for Borg form this perspective. java processes are not plotted here because given that there were some other Java background tasks, they would clutter the view by overlaying the other tools’ graphs.

Screenshot of a single Kopia run

Drilling further down reveals the use and imprecision of the application-specific diagrams. The first row of diagrams is now mostly constant whereas the second and third one show memory, I/O and CPU respectively. From the “stairs” one can already conclude that the sampling time is far longer than would have been needed to achieve precise values for I/O, hence the area under the I/O graphs does not sum up to the actually performed I/O.

Data-Test Restoration

All tools restored all file contents correctly from the backup according to the files’ SHA-256 checksums.

Here is a table of the tools’ restore performance characteristics. In addition to the measures from GNU Time, a Speed value has been derived from the data size (around 44 008 MiB) and the wall time.

Tool Wall Time/s Speed/(MiB/s) Peak Memory/MiB Avg. CPU/%
Borg 1 333 33 148.80 98
Bupstash 306 144 72.34 132
JMBB 2 806 16 16 583.30 119
Kopia 230 185 1 253.41 582

This time, the tools’ performance can be clearly ordered from best to worst as follows: Kopia, Bupstash, Borg, JMBB.

This test drastically puts apart the old and the new backup tools: Bupstash and Kopia outperform their competitors by at least factor four and JMBB’s restores are twelve times slower compared to Kopia’s while at the same time needing thirteen times as much memory.

One can also observe that Kopia is the only tool to perform significant parts of the restore in parallel yielding the best overall performance. Bupstash and Borg run very efficiently wrt. memory consumption. It is good to know that while Borg needs more than 300 MiB for backup creation it can restore with half of the memory. Also, Borg is significantly faster in restoring than in creating the initial backup although it has about 1.6 times the data to handle accounting for the increase in backup size from the initial backup x2a00 to the last backup x34d7.


Here are the test results for the Games-Test. The following table shows the backup sizes after the respective tools’ first runs. This data does not change significantly for the subsequent run:

Tool Files in Cache Size of Cache/MiB Backup Files Backup/MiB
Borg 8 24 322 115 113
Bupstash 3 21 138 288 130 550
Kopia 50 66 14 371 154 748

Here are the tools’ performance results from GNU Time: T1 is the initial run and T2 the same run again i.e. with unchanged input data.

State Tool Wall Time/s Peak Memory/MiB Avg. CPU/%
T1 Borg 34 899 312.86 98
  Bupstash 2 760 56.78 66
  Kopia 1 369 2 715.75 277
T2 Borg 18 166.03 86
  Bupstash 3 31.16 36
  Kopia 10 160.90 263

The resulting backup sizes are similar to those for the data tests although this time, differences between them are larger and Kopia’s larger backup size cannot be attributed to missing garbage collection. On the positive side, caches seem to be smaller than with the Data test. This hints towards a certain growth in cache over time (i.e. after n > 1 backups caches are larger than after one backup).

Kopia takes 38.7 GiB more storage space compared to Borg making the difference quite significant. Again, a huge difference in the number of files can be noted between the tools where Bupstash’s 138 288 files (almost all) in a single directory can be foreseen to cause trouble when e. g. attempting to copy the files to another location or upload them to a remote storage.

Comparing the backup times has to take into account that the tools use different protocols to transfer their data over network. Borg and Kopia both run without their counterparts on the server (Borg over NFS, Kopia over SSH). In theory, Bupstash which uses its own server component on the target server (over SSH), may thus show enhanced performance.

Interestingly, Bupstash does not seem to realize that theoretical performance advantage because Kopia outperforms it quite significantly – Bupstash takes about twice as long compared to Kopia. Borg takes again much longer (9.6 hours vs. 0.8 hours for Bupstash).

Memory values mostly resemble those from before although Kopia’s use of memory grows to 2.6 GiB which is almost double the amount observed before. In terms of CPU, Bupstash uses significantly less than 100% CPU (as per GNU Time) which may be due to waiting for I/O or waiting for its server counterpart. To estimate the load on the server side, statistics from Telegraf have been consulted. According to them, Bupstash’s client side averaged at 41 % and the server side averaged at 8.87 % which does not at all sum up to 100 %. Hence it remains plausible that Bupstash was waiting for I/O operations here.

To conclude this test, none of the tools take notably long time to detect that there are no changes between T1 and T2.


The third dataset to test is the VM-Test. Backup sizes and times are presented in the following tables in the same style used previously.

State Tool Files in Cache Size of Cache/MiB Backup Files Backup/MiB
VMS0 Borg 8 16 387 139 773
  Bupstash 3 36 219 862 177 403
  Kopia 52 54 30 026 320 476
VMS1 Borg 8 12 529 171 791
  Bupstash 3 49 254 693 213 892
  Kopia 105 124 43 199 462 968
State Tool Wall Time/s Speed/(MiB/s) Peak Memory/MiB Avg. CPU/%
VMS0 Borg 60 286 7.04 304.82 99
  Bupstash 3 788 112.10 60.65 78
  Kopia 2 227 190.68 1093.11 270
VMS1 Borg 28 471 16.52 259.66 98
  Bupstash 3 128 150.33 67.39 73
  Kopia 2 301 204.35 597.00 267

As the data is mostly read sequentially from HDD it makes sense to check the average reading speed the tools may have had. This was calculated by the input size divided through the wall time and one can e.g. notice that the entries for Kopia practically show the maximum reading speed available from HDDs. Experimentally invoking pv deb-64-new.qcow2 > /dev/null (without anything being cached) shows figures between 150 MiB/s and 250 MiB/s indicating that an average of 204.35 MiB/s can reasonably be seen as the practical maximum. Note that the HDDs are in a ZFS mirror hence values above the typical maximum of 200 MiB/s for HDDs are possible.

One can again observe the backup sizes increasing in order Borg, Bupstash, Kopia and one can again see the times decreasing in that order with Borg taking (again) much longer than the other ones (from factor 27 comparing Borg and Kopia for the initial run to factor 9 comparing Borg and Bupstash for the second run). It can again be observed that Kopia runs parallel, quickly and using the most memory although cache sizes stay low (like in the Games-Test). The differences in Backup sizes are increasing between Bupstash and Kopia with Kopia taking at least factor 1.8 of Bupstash’s backup size.

Illustration of Bupstash’s server component activities during the VMS1 test

Like with the Data-Test before, the final backup size for Kopia is not reliable as the garbage collection routine could not run. It is also not possible to easily garbage-collect the data after some time has passed. When trying to do this, an output similar to the following is observed:

$ date
Wed 07 Apr 2021 07:16:47 PM CEST
$ kopia maintenance run --password=testwort --full
Running full maintenance...
looking for active contents
processed(0/1) active 1
processed(7/10) active 3
looking for unreferenced contents
Found safe time to drop indexes: 2021-04-04 00:01:21.132068333 +0200 CEST
Dropping contents deleted before 2021-04-04 00:01:21.132068333 +0200 CEST
Rewriting contents from short packs...
Looking for unreferenced blobs...
Deleted total 1 unreferenced blobs (4.6 MB)
Finished full maintenance.

Note that this is multiple days after the actual test which completed on 2021-04-04.


There is a certain disparity between problems and features here: I personally can do without most of the features but do not like to live with the problems. Additionally, backup is a must have but also not something one gets in touch with often as the processes themselves are automated at least to the point that I as a user only call a script (e.g. connect USB drive, call script, disconnect). From that point of view, most of the tools’ advantages are largely uninteresting such as long as there are no problems!

This is an unfortunate situation with backup tools in general which may be one of the reasons why there are so few good tools to chose from :)

Without further delay, the following table summarizes the findings by recalling the greatest issues observed for the respective tools:

Tool Problems
Borg – very slow especially for initial backups
JMBB – very slow restore
  – no deduplication
  – no files above 8 GiB
Kopia – no Unix pipes/special files support
  – large caches in Data-Test
  – rather large backup sizes
Bupstash – large file numbers in single directory

My conclusion from this is that Bupstash is a most viable candidate. There are still some rough edges but given that it is the newest among the tools checked that can be expected.

Future Directions

None of the tools will immediately replace JMBB here. Borg is currently in use for all data that is too large for JMBB and does an acceptable job there (although it literally runs for hours). Given the current state of results, it seems most interesting to further check on Bupstash especially wrt. the following points.

See Also

Repository Contents

The repository is structured as follows:

Directory Contents
automation/ Scripts used to run the actual (long) tests
docker/ Files to try out the backup tools in Containers.
  Not used for measurements!
evaluation/ Files used for evaluating the measurements
  input_data/ Gathered data about the input files (Data-Test)
  other/ Dashboard JSON, RAMDISK performance
  scans/ Queries for Dirstat 2 about the result sizes


License for repository contents as well as this document. See file LICENSE.txt in the repository.

Comparison of Modern Linux Backup Tools -- Borg, Bupstash and Kopia,
Copyright (c) 2021
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Created: 2021/03/16 18:59:46 | Revised: 2023/09/16 23:36:16 | Tags: linux, backup, borg, bupstash, jmbb, kopia, deduplicating | Version: 1.1.1 | SRC (Pandoc MD) | GPL

Copyright (c) 2021 For further info send an e-mail to

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.