Build – Ant Build Template


The Build is an attempt to provide a single unifying build.xml for the Ant build system which allows compiling most programs with only minor modifications and which provides extended functionality to generate Debian packages. This replaces large parts of the formerly used MDPC scripts and the previously used Makefile templates.

In addition to being a template, this is designed to facilitate code reuse by not being copied upon use, but rather imported. E.g. this XML can be loaded directly from its repository or alternatively from the file system. See section Using the Template for details.

The template is designed to allow building programs in the following programming languages:

Additionally, it can compile LaTeX source code to PDF and act as a top-level template for recursive invocation.

How to compile Projects using this Template

Similar to Makefiles, ant provides a set of targets. The following targets/functionalities are generally available.

This target compiles the project.
If it is a Java project, jar builds a jarfile if possible.
Deletes object files i.e. everything generated except for the linked build result.
Deletes all generated files including the linked build result.

If a project is intended to be built in form of a Debian package, this additional target can be invoked:

Build a Debian package for this project.

For development purposes, the following targets allow managing the state of a package:

Initializes a changelog.
Interactively invoke the VIM editor to add a changelog entry (for an incremented version).
Calls package target if the package has been updated compared to the repository contents. Installs necessary build dependencies if absent.

Using the Template

Two ways of including this template are recommended.

The include is a little obscure because it implements a routine for searching the template’s XML file and retrieving it from a local filesystem if possible. The logic tries two distinct approaches:

  1. Attempt to load from a local file. This searches for a copy of the repository by the name co-build in the directory given by environment variable MDVL_CI_PHOENIX_ROOT or .. (i.e. one level up the present working directory) if MDVL_CI_PHOENIX_ROOT is not set.
  2. If the file was not found this way, attempt to load from Internet. To do this, it tries to download the XML from GitHub, i.e. URL

Variant A: Block at the end of a file

This is the preferred default variant which consists of a block entitled CONSTANT TPL IMPORT to indicate that what follows is not intended to normally be modified.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project default="build">

<property name=""  value="hello"/> 
<!-- ... -->

<!-- ... -->

<property environment="env"/>
<condition property="masysma.internal.includepath.rel" value="${env.MDVL_CI_PHOENIX_ROOT}" else=".."><isset property="env.MDVL_CI_PHOENIX_ROOT"/></condition>
<property name="masysma.internal.includepath" location="${masysma.internal.includepath.rel}"/>
<property name="masysma.internal.loadpath" value="${masysma.internal.includepath}/co-build/ant-build-template.xml"/>
<condition property="masysma.internal.load" value="file://${masysma.internal.loadpath}" else=""><resourceexists><file file="${masysma.internal.loadpath}"/></resourceexists></condition>
<import><url url="${masysma.internal.load}"/></import>


Variant B: Block split into two parts

This variant is useful if access to MDVL_CI_PHOENIX_ROOT is also needed by parts of the build targets. They can read its absolute location from property masysma.internal.includepath.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project default="build">

<!-- (metadata etc) -->

<property environment="env"/>
<condition property="masysma.internal.includepath.rel" value="${env.MDVL_CI_PHOENIX_ROOT}" else=".."><isset property="env.MDVL_CI_PHOENIX_ROOT"/></condition>
<property name="masysma.internal.includepath" location="${masysma.internal.includepath.rel}"/>

<!-- (customized build instructions -->

<property name="masysma.internal.loadpath" value="${masysma.internal.includepath}/co-build/ant-build-template.xml"/>
<condition property="masysma.internal.load" value="file://${masysma.internal.loadpath}" else=""><resourceexists><file file="${masysma.internal.loadpath}"/></resourceexists></condition>
<import><url url="${masysma.internal.load}"/></import>


Use in Projects with a single Programming Language

The following sections show how the template can be instantiated for a given directory with the source code in a single programming language.

To allow automatic compilation, at least a needs to be given. This is usually set to the name of the output file without extension.


A project compiled as Ada source code, if a file with name ${}.adb can be found.
Ada compilation is performed by invoking the gnatmake utility.
See ma_capsblinker(11).

No language-specific properties defined. refers to the output executable file to produce.


C compilation is detected by the existence of any .c file in the ${basedir}.
Compilation for C projects consists of two separate invocations:
  1. Compilation of the individual .c files with gcc -Wall -pedantic -std=c89 -O3 FILE.c
  2. Linking of all .o files with gcc -o ${} *.o
See progress(32), especially the Progress 2 C variant.

Properties to influence compilation are described in the following:

Sets a different value for the -std= flag. Default: c89.
masysma.c.compile.1 and masysma.c.compile.2
Sets additional arguments to pass to the compiler invocation. The use of this properties is similar to explained below. and
Sets additional arguments to pass to the final/linking gcc invocation. These are added as-is to the commandline if they have a value different from the empty string. Example: -lpthread. Currently, the number of such arguments is limted to 2, but of course, it is possible to increase that if more are needed in the future.


Java compilation is assumed if any .java files are found in the file tree (below the build.xml’s directory).
All files are compiled including debug information and with -Xlint:unchecked. To invoke javac, ant’s Javac task is instantiated.

To generate .jar files, target jar is provided. By default, all files from directory ma are included in the jarfile. The name of the jarfile is derived from by appending suffix .jar.

See gamuhr(32) for basic compilation. See progress(32) (subdirectory progress1) for an example with classes provided in a directory other than ma.

Relevant properties for Java compilation are as follows:

Defines the main-class (only relevant in conjunction with target jar).

Aside from properties, there are further settings that can be tuned for compilation.

masysma.inccls (fileset)
This fileset defines the list of files to include in the jarfile. By default, all files from below directory ma are included which means sources (.java), classes (.class) along with any other files the application might consider resources (e.g. .txt, .png, etc.). Change this setting in case classes are not taken from directory ma. Example: <fileset id="masysma.inccls" dir="." includes="*.class"/> includes all classfiles from the present working directory (useful for compiling programs which are using the default package). In order for this setting to take effect, it has to be specified after importing the template i.e. near the end of the build.xml file.
masysma.classpath (path)
This path defines the locations to look for classes (only relevant for compilation). By default, the build.xml’s directory and all .jar files from below a directory called lib are included.


As LaTeX compilation may require multiple stages, the compilation is invoked repeatedly until Rerun to no longer appears in the output. Additionally, bibtex8 is automatically invoked if file literature.bib exists. The .tex file to compile is expected to have its name equal to the value of property followed by .tex. Task clean attempts to delete most files created along with the .aux file for the respective source file. Note that builds of multiple .tex files are only supported as far as they are included with \input, because auxiliary files created by inclusion of other .tex files are not cleaned up by default.

LaTeX compilation is invoked if a file called ${}.tex exists.
Compilation currently uses a fixed set of flags and always invokes pdflatex -halt-on-error -file-line-error -interaction batchmode. If literature.tex exists, BibTeX is invoked with bibtex8 ${}.

Use in Projects with multiple Parts

To build a project with multiple programming languages or parts, create distinct subdirectories for each of the individual build configurations. Inside them, provide individual build.xml files. These may use the template as explained before except that the relative location of file ant-build-template.xml may be one directory farther upwards. To apply this change, edit the following line from the template:

<condition property="masysma.internal.includepath.rel" value="${env.MDVL_CI_PHOENIX_ROOT}" else=".."><isset property="env.MDVL_CI_PHOENIX_ROOT"/></condition>

and change it to this:

<condition property="masysma.internal.includepath.rel" value="${env.MDVL_CI_PHOENIX_ROOT}" else="../.."><isset property="env.MDVL_CI_PHOENIX_ROOT"/></condition>

The resulting structure behaves like a recursive makefile except it is using ant. Note that the following targets can be invoked on the top-level to apply them to all parts: build, clean and dist-clean.

As an example, consider DirStat dirstat(32), whose build.xml files are organized as follows to build two distinct subprojects: DirStat 1 and DirStat 2.

 +-- dirstat1/
 |    |
 |    +-- build.xml
 +-- dirstat2/
 |    |
 |    +-- build.xml
 +-- build.xml

The top-level build.xml uses the template to declare an MDVL pacakge but does not itself provide any definition. The subordinate build.xml files from the subdirectories are as follows (relevant excerpts shown):

For DirStat 1:

<property name="" value="dirstat1"/> 
<property name="masysma.main" value="ma.stat.Main"/> 

For DirStat 2:

<property name="" value="dirstat2"/> 
<property name="masysma.main" value="ma.dirstat.Main"/> 

Here, both parts are Java projects, but this need not be the case. Also, it is not required that the individual parts use the template – they may also consist of standalone Ant build.xml files.

MDPC 2.0

MDPC expands to Developer Linux Packaging Control and provides a means to build Debian-compatible packages in a simplified fashion.

The first version was published on the debian-user mailinglist and consists of a series of shell scripts. The new version is (partially) integrated with Build and relies on Ant instead of shell scripts.

MDPC 2 sets defaults for files which would have otherwise to be provided explicitly and declares Ant properties for relevant fields to fill in for a given package. It provides the following targets: package, init, incver. The properties to declare package metadata are explained in the following.

Common Metadata

This section lists the most commonly needed MDPC 2 properties. (required)
Declares the name of the package to build. This will later appear in the installation logs, file name and package search results if queried.
mdpc.arch (default: all)
Declares the package architecture. all means that the package is suited for all architectures (e.g. for portable scripts, this can be the case). any declares that the package can be compiled for any architecture, but the resulting binaries are architecture-specific. Apart from these two (very common) options, it is possible to specify an architecture identifier like amd64, armhf, i386 etc. directly although this should only be necessary for packages, which rely on pre-built binaries.
mdpc.descrs (required)
One-line description of the package.
mdpc.descrl (required)
Multi-line description of the package. Note that all lines need to be indented by a single whitespace and “empty” lines are expected to be marked by a single whitespace followed by a dot (.).
mdpc.depends (default: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, ${java:Depends})
Declares the package’s dependencies in Debian control file format (comma-separated). By default, a series of ${...} attempt to auto-detect some dependencies, but this is known to be incomplete for scripts.
mdpc.section (required)
Associates the package with a section, which can be one of the following: admin, devel, doc, editors, electronics, embedded, games, graphics, httpd, interpreters, java, libs, math, metapackages, misc, net, science, shells, tex, text, utils, web, x11
mdpc.maintainer (default: Linux-Fan, <>)
Declares the package’s maintainer.

License Metadata

This section explains the licensing-related MDPC 2 properties. It is an intended design goal that precise license specifications should be possible with MDPC 2, thus there are multiple properties to influence the copyright file at different levels of granularity.

mdpc.cpyear (default: 2022)
Declares the copyright year range for the current package. For instance, if you develeoped a project from 2018 to 2020, you might set this to 2018, 2019, 2020 etc.
Declares a copyright notice in single-line format.
Default value: Copyright (c) ${mdpc.cpyear} <>
mdpc.lfiles (Default: *)
Declares the set of files to apply the license inforamtion to.
mdpc.lblock (Default: GPL3+)
Declares a constant license block to use.
Defaults to the license block for GPL 3 or higher which is used with most published projects.
If this property is set, properties mdpc.cpyear, mdpc.copyright and mdpc.lblock are ignored unless explicitly referenced. This provides the raw contents of a Debian copyright file allowing for external projects and their licenses to be added or for a different choice of license from GPL3+: If this property is not set, a copyright file will be generated from mdpc.cpyear and mdpc.copyright properties and it will set the license to the value defined in mdpc.lblock Note code is usually released under GPL 3 or higher and thus if you do not find any copyright information in a project, try to generate its package and refer to the generated copyright information. If you need the license declearation to be more explicit, just send an e-mail to and suitable annotations may be added to the project under consideration.

Optional and Special Metadata

Here are some special-purpose and rarely needed properties.

mdpc.bdep (default: debhelper (>= 8))
Declares the package’s build-time dependencies.
mdpc.priority (default: optional)
Declares the package’s priority. Most often, this need not be changed.
mdpc.recommends (optional)
Declares recommended dependencies. These need not be installed, but will be installed by default. For the exact meanings, refer to Debian Policy.
mdpc.conflicts (optional)
Declares Conflicts.
mdpc.suggests (optional)
Declares Suggests.

File Properties

Some properties map directly to related Debian files:


As an example, consider creating a simple Hello World package. Initially, it has just these two files:

 +-- hello.c
 +-- build.xml

hello.c is a minimal C program:

#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    printf("Hello world.\n");
    return 0;

build.xml is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project default="build">

<property name="" value="hello"/> 
<property name=""      value="mdvl-hello"/>
<property name="mdpc.section"   value="misc"/>
<property name="mdpc.descrs"    value="Hello Package"/>
<property name="mdpc.arch"      value="any"/>
<property name="mdpc.descrl">
 This is the hello package.

<property environment="env"/>
<condition property="masysma.internal.includepath.rel" value="${env.MDVL_CI_PHOENIX_ROOT}" else=".."><isset property="env.MDVL_CI_PHOENIX_ROOT"/></condition>
<property name="masysma.internal.includepath" location="${masysma.internal.includepath.rel}"/>
<property name="masysma.internal.loadpath" value="${masysma.internal.includepath}/co-build/ant-build-template.xml"/>
<condition property="masysma.internal.load" value="file://${masysma.internal.loadpath}" else=""><resourceexists><file file="${masysma.internal.loadpath}"/></resourceexists></condition>
<import><url url="${masysma.internal.load}"/></import>


To perform the first build of a package it is necessary to provide a debian-changelog.txt. To create this file, target init can be used as follows: ant init. Afterwards, there are three files:

 +-- hello.c
 +-- debian-changelog.txt
 +-- build.xml

The new file’s contents are as follows:

mdvl-hello (1.0.0) stable; urgency=medium

  * Package created with MDPC 2

 -- Linux-Fan, <>  Sat, 28 Mar 2020 16:51:28 +0100

See documentation on debian/changelog for hints on the format of the file. Having established this directory structure, one can call ant package to create the associated package file. If the package is intended to be upgraded to a new version, target incver can be invoked before performing the package build. packages already contain a debian-changelog.txt which means it is sufficient to invoke ant package only to generate their package files.

Downloading Artifacts

In case external dependencies are needed for a build, Build allows downloading Git repositories and artifacts.

Downloading Git Repositories

A downloaded Git repository is stored one next to the repository’s directory. The mechanism is invoked as follows (example):

<masysma_require_repo masysmarepoid="co-maartifact"/>

The repository name is given in attribute masysmarepoid.

Note that this is specific to Repositories, i.e. prefix To use this mechanism for your own repositories, you could create a modified copy of the build template and change the attribute name and base URL in ant-build-template.xml. Alternatively, consider using the more versatile masysma_require_artifact element described in the next section.

An advanced example for using the mechanism to download a required library can be found in ma_inventory_barcodegensvg/build.xml from the ma_inventory(32) repository.

Downloading Artifacts – maartifact Integration

maartifact(11) can be invoked from Build targets by using the specifically provided masysma_require_artifact element. If not already available, maartifact is downloaded using the Git download mechanism explained before.

As an example, consider the following excerpt from build.xml of repository bp-jexer:

<target name="download">

Here, the repository specified under masysmaadef is downlaoded to directory build. The name given under masysmaartifact serves to identify the downloaded resource among all downloaded artifacts such that the download only needs to happen on first use.

This XML specification of an artifact corresponds to the following maartifact commandline invocation (@... refers to the value of attribute ...):

maartifact @masysmaaction @masysmaartifact @masysmaartarget -b @masysmaabranch @masysmaadef

In the invocation, @masysmaaction defaults to extract and @masysmaabranch defaults to master.

See maartifact(11) for further documentation on the use of maartifact. CI Integration

The following targets provide entrypoints for the interaction with the CI:

This can be used to trigger an incremental package build i.e. only build the package when it has changed
By convention, this build is called by the CI on each iteration (if it is defined in the ant file). A typical integration thus looks as follows in a build.xml file:
<target name="autoci" depends="autopackage"/>

Future Directions

The previously offered trigger target is up for removal with one of the next revisions.

License Build Ant Build Template,
Copyright (c) 2019, 2020, 2022
For further info send an e-mail to

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>. Website 5 (1.0.2) – no Flash, no JavaScript, no Webfont, no Copy Protection, no Mobile First. No bullshit. No GUI needed. Works with any browser.

Created: 2019/12/06 13:16:32 | Revised: 2024/04/25 23:19:54 | Tags: ant, mdpc2, make, build, masysmaci, template, ant_build_template, ant-build-template.xml, ci | Version: 1.0.1 | SRC (Pandoc MD) | GPL

Copyright (c) 2019, 2020, 2022 For further info send an e-mail to

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.