This repository provides an Ada implementation of the BLAKE3 Hash Function reference implementation (cf. https://github.com/BLAKE3-team/BLAKE3/blob/master/reference_impl/reference_impl.rs).
This implementation supports hashes and keyed hashes. It does not currently implement key derivation.
Like the reference implementation, this library is available under
CC0 and can hence be freely integrated. See LICENSE.txt
The following dependencies are required for building:
- Ada compiler (
) - Ant build tool (
Run Tests
cd test_suite
ant run
install -DsT lib/libblake3.so /usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
install -m 644 -DT lib/blake3.ali /usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ada/adalib/blake3
install -m 644 -DT lib/blake3.ads /usr/local/share/ada/adainclude/blake3
Repository Structure
This repository contains multiple subdirectories for the various components of the library.
+-- lib/
| |
| +-- blake3.adb *** This is the implementation. ***
| |
| +-- blake3.ads *** Implementation header file. ***
| |
| +-- build.xml Build instructions
+-- sample/
| |
| +-- blake3hello.adb Minimal example program.
+-- test_suite/ Test program to process test vectors.
+-- test_vectors/ Test vector data and scripts.
+-- util/
| |
| +-- blake3ada.adb Commandline sample application.
| |
| +-- build.xml Build instructions for Linux.
+-- README.md This file.
+-- LICENSE.txt CC0 license.
+-- build.xml Recursive antfile build instructions.
The important subdirectory regarding the library is lib
If you do not need tests or example programs, it is sufficient to
compile and use only the files from that directory.
Sample Program
This sample program computes the hash over Hello world.
(hex 48656c6c6f20776f726c642e0a
). You can find it in
directory sample
under blake3hello.adb
with Blake3;
with Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Blake3Hello is
package Output_Formatter is new Ada.Text_IO.Integer_IO(Integer);
: Blake3.Hasher := Blake3.Init;
.Update("Hello world.");
: constant String := Ctx.Final;
Result: String := "16#00#";
for I in Result'Range loop
.Put(Hex, Character'Pos(Result(I)), 16);
Output_Formatter.Text_IO.Put(if Hex(1) = ' ' then ("0" & Hex(5 .. 5))
Adaelse Hex(4 .. 5));
end loop;
end Blake3Hello;
The main complexity of this program arises from the necessity to
write the output. Neither a direct binary output to stdout, nor an easy
means to convert to hexadecimal are available in Ada. As a comparatively
short alternative to using a lookup table, this sample program uses the
formatting provided by Ada.Text_IO.Integer_IO and then postprocesses the
output to cut-off any 16#
leading markers and account for
the output right-alignment.
Using the installed Library
Assuming the library is already installed on your system, you can compile and run the sample program as follows:
gnatmake -o blake3hello blake3hello.adb \
-aO/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ada/adalib/blake3 \
-aI/usr/share/ada/adainclude/blake3 \
-largs -lblake3
Using the Library without Installation
If the library is not installed on your system, it can be integrated using multiple different approaches.
Easy Vendoring
The quickest way to get started is to just include the
and blake3.adb
files into the
source tree. Here is what the directory structure may look like
+-- sample/
| +-- blake3.adb
| +-- blake3.ads
| +-- blake3hello.adb
| +-- build.xml
Compilation and invocation then become trivial:
cp ../lib/blake3.ad? .
gnatmake -o blake3hello blake3.adb
Inclusion from different directory
It may not be suitable to just copy-over the files. In this case, it is also possible to import the compiled library from a different directory. Assume that the library is compiled but not installed, then the file structure may look as follows:
+-- lib/
| +-- blake3.adb
| +-- blake3.ads
| +-- blake3.ali
| +-- build.xml
| +-- libblake3.so
+-- sample/
| +-- blake3hello.adb
| +-- build.xml
Compilation and invocation then have to account for the library not being installed as follows:
gnatmake -o blake3hello blake3hello.adb -aO../lib -aI../lib -largs -lblake3
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PWD/../lib ./blake3hello
API Description
type U8 is mod 2**8;
type U32 is new Interfaces.Unsigned_32;
type Octets is array (U32 range <>) of U8;
subtype U8x32 is Octets(0..31);
type Hasher is tagged limited private;
: This type is used to represent a single byte.U32
: This type is used to represent a 32 bit word.Octets
: This type is used to represent a byte string.U8x32
: This type is used to represent a 32 bytes byte string.Hasher
: This type is used to represent an opaque context of operation.String
: Strings are used as an alternative representation of byte strings. This allows interfacing with other code without forcing it to use the types supplied by this library. Conversion between Octets and Strings can be performed by using thefor Octet_Var'Address use String_Var'Address;
syntax if necessary.
Context Re-Use
The Hasher
contexts provided by this API represent the
state of hashing. Since Final
does not update the state in
any way, it is possible to call Final
multiple times
without expecting a change in output.
Additionally, it is possible to call Final
, then perform
multiple Update
invocations and then call
again. The output of the last Final
corresponds to the concatenation of all data supplied through preceding
uses of Update
on the same context.
It is currently not possible to reset the context to discard the old computation state. If entirely new data is to be processed, it is suggested to create an entirely new context for this purpose.
Functions and Procedures
A detailed description of the API functions follows after the
overview excerpt from blake3.ads
-- Initialize as hash function
function Init return Hasher;
-- Initialize as keyed hash function
function Init(Key: in U8x32) return Hasher;
function Init(Key: in String) return Hasher
with Pre => Key'Length = Key_Len;
-- Add data to process. Do not call with "empty" Strings
procedure Update(Self: in out Hasher; Input: in String)
with Pre => Input'Length > 0;
procedure Update(Self: in out Hasher; Input: in Octets);
-- Compute hash, Octets-based API allows variable-length output
function Final(Self: in Hasher) return String;
procedure Final(Self: in Hasher; Out_Slice: out Octets);
function Init return Hasher
This function creates a BLAKE3 context to be used as a hash function. It has to be called before using any of the other API functions.
function Init(Key: in) return Hasher
This variant of Init
creates a BLAKE3 context to be used
as a keyed hash function. The user is free to either supply an
input or a 32-byte String
which the
library then interprets as U32x8
internally without
incurring a notable performance overhead.
procedure Update(Self: in out Hasher; Input: in)
Use this function to supply the data that is considered input into
the (optionally keyed) BLAKE3 hashing function. The user is free to
supply the internal type Octets
or a regular
which the library then interprets as
This API expects the minimum number of bytes supplied to
to be 1. Do not call it with empty arrays or
procedure Final(Self: in Hasher) return String
This function outputs the 32-byte hash corresponding to the
concatenation of all data supplied with Update
to the
provided Hasher
context and returns it as a string with
binary data. If this String is to be written to a text format, a
conversion to hexadecimal representation is recommended. See
for an easy means to achieve such a
procedure Final(Self: in Hasher; Out_Slice: out Octets)
This alternative Final
implementation uses the internal
datatype for output. Additionally, by providing an
of different length, different lengths of hashes
can be output. Note that BLAKE3 supports arbitrarily long outputs as
Rationale and Usage Recommendation
This library was created out of the need to process data from a Rust program that relies on BLAKE3 for all of its hashing operations. This should not deter you from using it for creating new hashes in new programs with this library, too. However, you are advised to also consider chosing a more widely supported hash function in order to avoid being dependent on a single implementation.
Feel free to send patches with bugfixes or missing functionality directly to info@masysma.net. Include a note to confirm that you are OK with these patches being included under CC0. Please note that API breaks are only accepted if very strong reasons exist to motivate them.